Tom McDermott •  Storyteller, Author, Singer   e-mail tom
Copyright  c  2001-2016 Tom McDermott. All rights reserved.

 Tom McDermott...

is a highly sought after first generation Irish-American storyteller, author, singer, musician, comedian, percussionist and speaker who wanders about the country sharing stories, songs, laughter, inspiration, noise and mayhem with over 50,000 kids and adults each year (since 1991).  Accompanying himself on guitar, ukulele, theremin, bodhran, flutes or drums, Tom combines original music and instrumentation with original and adapted traditional stories to engage his listeners in laughter, critical thought, a passion for  reading and writing and “improvising life”.  

An award-winning storyteller and speaker, Tom performs at festivals and corporate events all across the U.S. and was the featured US Performer at the International Storytelling Festival in Ireland.  He also facilitates  drum circles and “found sound workshops for businesses, churches and camps with a focus on team building, community  development and personal wellness. He has several  recordings and published books for children and adults.

“Imagination is the one true weapon in the struggle with reality.” (Gaultier)
“Everything I tell you is the truth... even if it never happened!” (Tom’s Uncle “Mac”)
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Tom McDermott - A One Man Orchestration of Story, Laughter and Song